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Convict-Built Wall Henderson Street

The wall which would have run continuously (except for entrance openings) from Holdsworth Street to South Terrace would have enclosed – from north to south – the barracks of the rank-and-file Sappers and Miners, three rows of 'disciplinary' warders cottages (all extant), and, on the South Terrace corner, two houses for 'instructing' warders (sapper-miner officers). The sappers barracks were replaced in 1899 by the fourth courthouse (now called the 'old' courthouse) which is now a pub. The two instructing warders houses were replaced by the Markets in 1898.

To the right of this fourth photo are the courthouse, the three rows of warders cottages, and the Markets, on the corner of South Terrace.

This shot shows the courthouse and all three rows of warders cottages.

Warders cottages next to the courthouse.


Most westerly of the three rows of warders cottages on the south side of Henderson Street.

Continue around the corner into South Terrace ...

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Garry Gillard | New: 13 July, 2023 | 15 April, 2024