Freotopia > hotels > Brighton Hotel

Brighton Hotel Cottesloe


The Sundowner Retirement (high rise) 'Village' was built in about 1970 as the Sundowner Hotel. It did not flourish, and was soon sold to become yet more accommodation for the growing ranks of those waiting for God.

The Brighton Hotel which once stood on the site of the present ‘Sundowner’ was demolished in 1969. It had been built for investor and well known Perth identity, T. G. A. Molloy.
The land on which the hotel stood was part of Swan Location 699 on lots 109, 110, 111, 112, 113. The twenty-seven bedroom, two storey structure facing the highway was built of brick and stone with the front walls of stuccoed cement.
A license was granted in 1911, but for some unknown reason it was revoked in 1921 and it was not relicensed again until 1927. During that period a Miss Stamp remained as caretaker and for some time the Ockerby family, owners of the Eureka Flour Mill, occupied a suite of self-contained rooms.
Possibly because it was slightly removed from shopping facilities and other forms of attraction, the Brighton appears to have lacked the necessary trade to make it a viable venture. In September 1937 the Swan Brewery completed negotiations for the purchase of the hotel. When it was demolished in the 1960s, the construction of the ill fated Sundowner commenced.

References and Links

James, Ruth Marchant 1977, Heritage of Pines: A History of Cottesloe, Town of Cottesloe Council: 92.

Garry Gillard | New: 9 May, 2019 | Now: 25 November, 2023