Bill McCluskey has been comprehensively involved in the performing arts for over forty years. As an actor he has been contracted by every state theatre company in Australia. As a producer and director he has created new independent companies including Red Desert Productions and Western Edge Theatre Projects Inc. He was a founding member of The Griffin Theatre Co in Sydney and the Blue Room Theatre in Perth. As a playwright he has had four plays professionally produced in Perth and regional Western Australia. Between 1995 and 2001 he was a Senior Lecturer at The Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts, responsible for The Aboriginal Music Theatre Course and The High Impact Actor Training Self Devised Course.
All of this experience was applied in the dual roles of writer and producer during the major epic production of The Turning for the 2008 Perth International Arts Festival.
Bill's long filmography (34 titles in IMDb) includes Teesh and Trude, Evil Angels, Shame, Southern Cross, and, more recently, An Accidental Soldier.
On television, Bill was was in The Circuit, SBS's significant miniseries set in the Kimberley. He also appeared in The Shark Net, the Eric Edgar Cooke story written by Robert Drewe. Bill recently played a leading role in 3 Acts of Murder, a telemovie based on an Arthur Upfield story directed by Rowan Woods.
Bill appeared in The Crucible, for Black Swan Theatre.
See also: direction.