Freotopia > Fremantle Society > campaigns >
11 February 2023: Stand Up for Your Arts Centre
7 February 2023: Shocking Neglect of "Perth's finest heritage building"
14 January 2023: The Tin Hat Brigade [re the FAC iron roof]
The Herald exposes Fremantle Council, yet again showing contempt for its heritage. The Arts Centre will be damaged aesthetically, like the Fremantle Boys' School was a few years ago, with an unsightly tin roof. Neither ever had a tin roof.
Even CBC school down the road just spent $20,000 fixing jarrah shingles on their chapel and intend re-roofing their chapel with the right material. If she-oak shingles prove too hard to get, there are alternatives.
Some of us have worked for decades to help this building reach its potential. Council has let us down again. Council arent even pursuing national or international heritage listing.
Also as revealed by The Fremantle Society, after thieves stole the copper roof gutters and downpipes, instead of replacing them with copper using insurance money, council installed plastic ones and painted them brown.
28 May 2016: Good Turnout for Fremantle Society Event [Asylum]
Garry Gillard | New: 3 June, 2023 | Now: 10 May, 2024